New Kafka to Kafka replication

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All your streams.
One screen.

40,000+ developers govern, discover, process, and integrate data streams across multiple Kafkas, using Lenses.

Let developers do their thing

Unify data access and permissions globally

Have confidence by applying the most powerful and granular permission model across all streaming technologies, with Multi-Kafka IAM and Streaming Data Policies:

From opening up all topics in dev, to assigning a team to manage a type of resource in production.


Find and explore streaming data across domains, with SQL

Data can stream, but it can’t hide with Lenses.

Teams can discover data across different departments, compare topics across domains, and troubleshoot data to use in downstream applications with Global Topic Catalog and SQL Studio.


Prepare data for easier consumption with SQL

Shifting your development left means earlier data ownership. Give developers a common language for preparing streaming data with SQL Processors.

Transform, reshape, aggregate and join streams, then run them across your entire streaming ecosystem. Boom.


Deploy data streams independently, anywhere your business needs

Don’t wait to integrate your streaming data across your organization, and check connectors are working. Do it yourself.

Manage connectors and consumer groups, and monitor their health from one screen.

Bring your own architecture

architecture diagram
userPhil FalkenholmDirector of Infrastructure and Security, Arity

“Using Lenses helps us know where to look for the data we need so we can see what’s working across systems and apps.”

Success Stories