Lenses is the Developer Experience tooling for enterprises to work with every Apache Kafka, in one place.
Managing permissions across multiple environments is holding your team back.
Traditional controls don’t give developers the flexible self-service they need. While distributed infrastructure means scattered, imprecise access levels.
Safely delegate control, so developers have the autonomy to access the right data.
When hundreds of engineers need to find and explore data across billions of streams – countless hours are wasted.
Discover topics, explore billions of streaming records in seconds, and troubleshoot messages in minutes with SQL, to get up to speed with your data fast.
To prepare streaming data for consumer applications, you need to build complex data processors, or wait for a central team to do it for you.
Open up streaming to more developers, by building stream processing applications in a common language – SQL.
Integrating data streams into your applications should be straightforward, but often it depends on other teams.
Don’t wait; do it yourself. Connect your data sources, wrapped in a security blanket with built-in monitoring and alerting.
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