The table below lists third party software that is incorporated into Lenses, along with the license associated with the software.
JVM Project | License |
akka/akka-actor | Apache 2.0 |
akka/akka-parsing | Apache 2.0 |
apache/avro | Apache 2.0 |
apache/avatica-core | Apache 2.0 |
apache/calcite-linq4j | Apache 2.0 |
apache/calcite-core | Apache 2.0 |
apache/avatica-metrics | Apache 2.0 |
apache/apacheds-i18n | Apache 2.0 |
apache/apacheds-kerberos-codec | Apache 2.0 |
apache/api-asn1-api | Apache 2.0 |
apache/commons-cli | Apache 2.0 |
apache/commons-codec | Apache 2.0 |
apache/commons-compress | Apache 2.0 |
apache/commons-io | Apache 2.0 |
apache/commons-lang | Apache 2.0 |
apache/commons-lang3 | Apache 2.0 |
apache/commons-logging | Apache 2.0 |
apache/commons-net | Apache 2.0 |
apache/commons-pool | Apache 2.0 |
apache/curator-framework | Apache 2.0 |
apache/curator-client | Apache 2.0 |
apache/curator-recipes | Apache 2.0 |
apache/httpclient | Apache 2.0 |
apache/httpcore | Apache 2.0 |
apache/zookeeper | Apache 2.0 |
apache/httpasyncclient | Apache 2.0 |
apache/httpcore-nio | Apache 2.0 |
apiguardian-team/apiguardian-api | Apache 2.0 |
arrow-kt/arrow-core | Apache 2.0 |
arrow-kt/arrow-annotations | Apache 2.0 |
b_c/jose4j | Apache 2.0 |
circe/circe-generic | Apache 2.0 |
circe/circe-generic-extras | Apache 2.0 |
circe/circe-core | Apache 2.0 |
circe/circe-numbers | Apache 2.0 |
circe/circe-parser | Apache 2.0 |
circe/circe-jawn | Apache 2.0 |
confluent/common-config | Apache 2.0 |
confluent/common-utils | Apache 2.0 |
confluent/kafka-avro-serializer | Apache 2.0 |
confluent/kafka-connect-avro-converter | Apache 2.0 |
confluent/kafka-schema-registry-client | Apache 2.0 |
confluent/kafka-schema-registry | Apache 2.0 |
codehaus/jackson | Apache 2.0 |
codehaus/jackson-core-asl | Apache 2.0 |
codehaus/jackson-mapper-asl | Apache 2.0 |
chuusai/shapeless_2 | Apache 2.0 |
dropwizard/metrics-core | Apache 2.0 |
esri/esri-geometry-api | Apache 2.0 |
elasticsearch/elasticsearch-rest-client | Apache 2.0 |
fabric8io/kubernetes-client | Apache 2.0 |
fabric8io/kubernetes-model | Apache 2.0 |
fabric8io/zjsonpatch | Apache 2.0 |
fasterxml/jackson-annotations | Apache 2.0 |
fasterxml/jackson-core | Apache 2.0 |
fasterxml/jackson-databind | Apache 2.0 |
fasterxml/jackson-dataformat-yaml | Apache 2.0 |
fasterxml/jackson-module-paranamer | Apache 2.0 |
fasterxml/jackson-module-scala | Apache 2.0 |
fasterxml/jackson-module-jaxb-annotations | Apache 2.0 |
fasterxml/woodstox-core | Apache 2.0 |
fasterxml/jackson-jaxrs-json-provider | Apache 2.0 |
fasterxml/jackson-jaxrs-base | Apache 2.0 |
fasterxml/jackson-dataformat-xml | Apache 2.0 |
google/gson | Apache 2.0 |
google/guava | Apache 2.0 |
google/jsr305 | Apache 2.0 |
hortonworks/schema-registry-serdes | Apache 2.0 |
hortonworks/schema-registry-client | Apache 2.0 |
hortonworks/common-auth | Apache 2.0 |
hortonworks/registry-common-client | Apache 2.0 |
hortonworks/schema-registry-common | Apache 2.0 |
h2database/h2 | Apache 2.0 |
jetbrains/annotations | Apache 2.0 |
jetbrains/kotlin-stdlib-common | Apache 2.0 |
jetbrains/kotlin-stdlib-jdk7 | Apache 2.0 |
jodaorg/joda-time | Apache 2.0 |
json4s/json4s-ast | Apache 2.0 |
json4s/json4s-core | Apache 2.0 |
json4s/json4s-jackson | Apache 2.0 |
json4s/json4s-native | Apache 2.0 |
json4s/json4s-scalap | Apache 2.0 |
kafka/kafka | Apache 2.0 |
kafka/connect-api | Apache 2.0 |
kafka/connect-json | Apache 2.0 |
kafka/kafka-clients | Apache 2.0 |
kafka/kafka-streams | Apache 2.0 |
kindedj/kindedj | Apache 2.0 |
lz4/lz4-java | Apache 2.0 |
mifmif/generex | Apache 2.0 |
megard/akka-http-cors | Apache 2.0 |
netty/netty | Apache 2.0 |
nscala-time/nscala-time | Apache 2.0 |
org.yaml/snakeyaml | Apache 2.0 |
ota4j-team/opentest4j | Apache 2.0 |
scala/scala-reflect | Apache 2.0 |
scala/scala-compiler | Apache 2.0 |
scala/scala-java8-compat | Apache 2.0 |
scala/scala-parser-combinators | Apache 2.0 |
scala/scala-xml | Apache 2.0 |
spring-projects/spring-ldap-core | Apache 2.0 |
spring-projects/spring-beans | Apache 2.0 |
spring-projects/spring-core | Apache 2.0 |
spring-projects/spring-tx | Apache 2.0 |
snappy/snappy-java | Apache 2.0 |
spray/spray-json | Apache 2.0 |
squareup.okhttp3/logging-interceptor | Apache 2.0 |
swagger-akka/swagger-akka-http | Apache 2.0 |
swagger/swagger-core | Apache 2.0 |
swagger/swagger-jaxrs | Apache 2.0 |
swagger/swagger-models | Apache 2.0 |
swagger/swagger-scala-module | Apache 2.0 |
swagger/okhttp | Apache 2.0 |
swagger/okio | Apache 2.0 |
typesafe/akka-http | Apache 2.0 |
typesafe/akka-http-core | Apache 2.0 |
typesafe/akka-stream | Apache 2.0 |
typesafe/akka-slf4j | Apache 2.0 |
typesafe/akka-http-spray-json | Apache 2.0 |
typesafe/akka-protobuf | Apache 2.0 |
typesafe/akka-stream-kafka | Apache 2.0 |
typesafe/config | Apache 2.0 |
typesafe/scala-logging | Apache 2.0 |
typesafe/ssl-config-core | Apache 2.0 |
typelevel/macro-compat | Apache 2.0 |
univocity/univocity-parsers | Apache 2.0 |
yahoo.datasketches/sketches-core | Apache 2.0 |
yahoo.datasketches/memory | Apache 2.0 |
sgroschupf/zkclient | Apache 2.0 |
org.tukaani/xz | Public |
typelevel/cats-kerne | MIT |
typelevel/cats-macros | MIT |
typelevel/machinist | MIT |
pureconfig/pureconfig | MPL 2.0 |
pureconfig/pureconfig-macros | MPL 2.0 |
github/classgraph | MIT |
spire-math/jawn-parser | MIT |
sksamuel/exts | MIT |
sksamuel/avro4s-core | MIT |
sksamuel/mallet | Apache 2.0 |
sksamuel/avro4s-macros | MIT |
sksamuel/elastic4s-http | Apache 2.0 |
sksamuel/elastic4s-core | Apache 2.0 |
typelevel/cats-core | MIT |
seratch/jslack | Apache 2.0 |
nycto/hasher | MIT |
slf4j/slf4j-api | MIT |
slf4j/jul-to-slf4j | MIT |
unboundid/unboundid-ldapsdk | GPL 2.0 |
reflections/reflections | WTFPL |
codehaus.woodstox/stax2-api | BSD |
brics/automaton | BSD |
thoughtworks/paranamer | BSD-3 |
google/protobuf | BSD-3 |
dk.brics.automaton/automaton | BSD-3 |
rocksdb/rocksdbjni | Apache 2.0, GPL 2.0 |
jboss-javassist/javassist | APL, MPL, LGPL | | Dual: CDDL, GPL1.1 |
javax/validation-api | Apache 2.0 |
logback/logback-classic | Dual: EPL1, LGPL2.1 |
logback/logback-core | Dual: EPL1, LGPL2.1 |
junit/junit-platform-commons | EPL 2.0 |
junit/junit-platform-engine | EPL 2.0 |
junit/junit-platform-launcher | EPL 2.0 |
junit/junit-platform-suite-api | EPL 2.0 |
reactive-streams/reactive-streams | Create Commons CC0 |
The table below lists third party software that is incorporated into Lenses UI, along with the license associated with the software.
JS Project | License |
angular | MIT |
angular-animate | MIT |
angular-aria | MIT |
angular-base64 | MIT |
angular-chart.js | BSD-3 |
angular-diff-match-patch | MIT |
angular-json-tree | Creative Commons |
angular-moment-picker | MIT |
angular-google-chart | MIT |
angular-route | MIT |
angular-sanitize | MIT |
angular-ui-bootstrap | MIT |
angular-utils-pagination | MIT |
angular-visjs | MIT |
angularjs-slider | MIT |
avro-js | Apache 2.0 |
axios | MIT |
axios-retry | Apache 2.0 |
babel-polyfill | MIT |
bootstrap | MIT |
classnames | MIT |
codemirror | MIT |
diff-match-patch | Apache 2.0 |
event-source-polyfill | MIT |
file-saver | MIT |
font-awesome | OFL 1.1 |
formik | MIT |
handsontable | MIT |
humanize-duration | Public |
jquery | MIT |
jsonlint-mod | MIT |
jsonlint-mod | MIT |
jszip | MIT |
jszip-utils | MIT |
linkifyjs | MIT |
memoize-one | MIT |
moment | MIT |
ng-handsontable | MIT |
ng-redux | MIT |
ng-redux-router | MIT |
ngletteravatar | MIT |
popper.js | MIT |
prop-types | MIT |
ramda | MIT |
react | MIT |
react-bootstrap-table-next | MIT |
react-bootstrap-table2-paginator | MIT |
react-bootstrap-table2-toolkit | MIT |
react-dom | MIT |
react-input-autosize | MIT |
react-redux | MIT |
react-responsive-modal | MIT |
react-router-dom | MIT |
react-select | MIT |
react-tagsinput | MIT |
react-user-avatar | MIT |
react2angular | Apache 2.0 |
recompose | MIT |
redux | MIT |
redux-action-buffer | MIT |
redux-logger | MIT |
redux-observable | MIT |
redux-persist | MIT |
redux-persist-seamless-immutable | MIT |
redux-seamless-immutable | MIT |
reduxsauce | MIT |
reselect | MIT |
rxjs | Apache 2.0 |
seamless-immutable | BSD-3 |
underscore | MIT |
universal-router | MIT |
vis | Apache 2.0 |
yup | Apache 2.0 |