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Get started with for AWS MSK

Full visibility and control over your real-time data and applications on AWS Managed Streaming for Apache Kafka.

Get started now!


What do I get with
for MSK?

In just a few short minutes, will be deployed into your own AWS VPC environment and connected to your AWS MSK cluster. Finally giving you complete visibility and control over your real-time data and applications including:

  • Data access with SQL
  • Self-service data & application operations
  • Real-time app and data integration development with SQL



Ensure your Amazon MSK environment is up and running. Have the cluster details handy (such as the ARN handy), you’ll need it later.

You’ll need an AWS account with permissions to deploy Cloudformation templates via the AWS marketplace.

For full details see our documentation

locked and loaded


Get your license key

Download your license key. You will have received an email with a link. If not, be sure to sign up here.

license key


Connect to community Slack

In case you hit any bumps in the road, connect with the engineering team and thousands of other Apache Kafka community members via

slack community


Access the AWS Marketplace

Subscribe to in the AWS Marketplace
and subscribe to the product.

AWS marketplace


Configure your deployment

Configure the instance that will be deployed via Cloudformation. Select the “Lenses EC2 MSK” instance and the latest version. Deploy in your preferred region and Launch CloudFormation!



Create the stack

The template is ready with no need to customize. Do not change the Amazon S3 URL value.

create stack


Configure stack details

  1. Choose a name for your deployment stack
  2. Configure the details of your VPC and Subnet to deploy to
  3. Select a t2.large instance.
  4. Set a CIDR range for SSHLocation and LensesLocation in accordance with your security policies
  5. Paste in the license key in the form of a JSON object directly into the Lenses License field.
  6. Copy the ARN and Security Group Applied from your MSK Cluster Summary page.
  7. Select to send the metrics to Cloudwatch.
Configure stack details


Configure stack options

Add tags of your choice to identify and classify your stack.

Configure stack options


Review & create stack

Review all the configuration & accept the acknowledgement before creating your stack.

Review create stack


Find FQDN of created stack

From the Outputs of your stack - access from your browser via the FQDN on port 9991



Login and enjoy

Login with username admin and the password as the instance ID (Physical ID) of your Lenses EC2 instance

login portal
frequently asked questions-faq

Frequently Asked Questions

You need to enable Open Monitoring during the deployment of MSK or use the quick-create starter cluster with recommended settings (where Open Monitoring is enabled by default)

Speak to our engineering team on our community Slack channel.

Register here

MSK currently does not provide any means of collecting Zookeeper JMX metrics.

You will need to use the AWS EC2 Instance Connect CLI (the mssh command).

See here for more details.

As a root under the /opt/lenses directory

Do you have more questions?
Let us help